Admit One Reality TV Recaps And Chat

Admit One Reality TV Recaps And Chat
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Big Brother 13 Recap -- Episode 3 And Episode 4

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Porsche is shocked to be nominated as she thought Dick choosing her to join the veterans meant that she was safe from being on the chopping block. Rachel and Brandon say they have a plan to make sure she gets the Golden Key, but Porsche replies that she doesn't want to have to throw the Veto Competition to get it. Danielle begins to question her dad's pick of Porsche...

Speak of the Devil -- Evil Dick Donato goes into the diary room, but doesn't return. The houseguests start looking everywhere for him in the house which I find kind of pathetic and hilarious at the same time. I mean where do they think they'll find him -- hiding in a closet? Danielle isn't too fazed at first as she tells everyone that Dick often did spent a lot of time in the Diary Room. But then, Rachel is called into the Diary Room and when she comes out she tells everyone the news that Dick has left the Big Brother house for "personal reasons." As compensation for losing her partner, Danielle will be given the Golden Key so that she cannot be voted out of the house until there are 10 houseguests left. 

It's hard to watch Danielle's reaction to her dad leaving. She seems to, understandably, feel many different emotions at once. She tells everyone that Big Brother is "everything to my dad." I feel so sorry for Danielle right now as she cries and reminds people that "this isn't part of the game, it's real life." Rachel and Brendan admit to each other later that the veterans aren't in good shape without Dick. Jeff feels that they can still win though as they know the game better than the newbies.

Shelly, Lawon and Dominic begin to doubt Keith's ability to do well in the game. He rubs Shelly the wrong way when he says he wants to put the moves on Danielle now that her dad is out of the house. Porsche overhears Dominic tell Keith he's on his side and Keith won't be going home. In the Diary Room, Porsche vows Keith *will* be going home!

 Adam announces the Veto Competition and Danielle is given the Golden Key because of Dick's departure from the game. Danielle says in the Diary Room that she didn't come here to just sit on the sidelines and now she will play a very social game to build relationships in the house. This sounds smart to me! Danielle begins with Porsche, her dad's first choice of a newbie to help the veterans, to urge her to throw the Veto Competition to get Keith out.

The Veto Competition has a superhero theme and each pair must complete a skyscraper puzzle with one team mate hanging in the air solving it, while the other searches for and gathers the puzzle pieces. At the end of it, when Porsche and Keith lose, not even Rachel and Brendan seem to be sure if it was thrown or not. In the end, Rachel doesn't use the Veto on either Porsche or Keith anyway.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

                                               I miss you already, Evil Dick!!!!

 In a video message to the houseguests, Dick first tells Danielle that everyone, i.e. family, is okay, but that he had to leave due to an "urgent personal emergency." He seems like the Dick we're used to and when he tells all of the houseguests he will "miss you all, or most of you..." Dominic cracks a smile which is cute. Danielle looks prettier and less worried and her darker hair color is starting to grow on me a bit more. I just want to see her win it all and make her pop proud. Before signing off, Dick tells everyone he'll be watching the game on TV and warns that he'd better see some good game play. LOL.

Soon it's time to vote the first houseguest out of the Big Brother house. I'm hoping Keith will go since he's getting even more annoying to me, while Porsche is getting on my nerves less. Dominic goes into the Diary Room first and he votes to evict Porsche. Brendan also picks Porsche and this shocks me as I thought that the veterans were supposed to have her back now. Jordan is next and votes to evict Keith and Jeff then follows with the same pick.

Cassi chooses Porsche as does Adam. Kalia and Danielle both vote to evict Keith and it's even with 4 votes each. Shelly is the tie-breaker and picks Keith, so it means he's gonna be the one sent packing. Keith had been so smug in thinking he would be staying that he is shocked. Still, he keeps a smile on his face right from hearing the news through his interview on set with Julie Chen.

 Porsche is given her Golden Key and this is working for Danielle's new "social game" strategy as now they both have one and are guaranteed to be in the BB house for 4 weeks. Plus of course, Danielle voted for Keith to leave, so that helps her a lot.

The Head of Household Competition is a golfing theme, but each houseguest who is playing -- everyone except Rachel, Danielle and Porsche -- only gets one putt to try and score the lowest number. Dominic and Kalia both score a 6 which is pretty good, but Jordan gets a 3 and wins. It seems obvious that the veterans putting after her got their golf ball into the lake on purpose to let Jordan be HOH. She is happy.

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