Admit One Reality TV Recaps And Chat

Admit One Reality TV Recaps And Chat
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Big Brother 13 Recap -- Episode 2 -- SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

I have a SPOILER, but I'll place it at the bottom of the post as I just found out about it after I did the recap and if you don't want to read it, just don't scroll down to the end!

Episode 2 begins with the houseguests discussing the new four week twist and Brendan uses Rachel's old line of "Floaters, get a life vest!" Dick talks about picking all of the newbies off like they were sitting duck decoys in a shooting gallery. Dick again repeats to the cameras that he and Danielle haven't spoken for the last three years, but he said it shouldn't matter as last time they won after they didn't speak for two years. He adds: "If we could just play Big Brother all the time, we'd have a fine relationship!" (I heart Evil Dick!!!!)

Evil Dick is, not surprisingly, the ringleader as the veterans band together against the newbies. They speak of getting "numbers" by recruiting newbies from the other side, and to make a long story short, Dick suggests Porsche and Adam, to which the others don't really disagree. Meanwhile, Dominic, has what he calls a "brain child" of his own by banding together the newbies against the veterans. Thus, "The Regulators" are born!

                                       Keith and Porsche -- Double Double agents!?

Porsche tells Keith that the veterans recruited her. He tells the camera that was stupid of her to tell him.Rachel sing songs "Who wants to see my HOH room?" in her annoying voice. Dick says to the camera: "I don't care if it's Rachel. I don't are if it's Jesus Christ. I don't give a s***!" LOL  When the vets approach Adam he pretends to go along, but to the camera later he warns "Watch out, Dick!" Even though I'm a Dick Donato fan, I can't fault Adam's reasoning when he feels he can't trust Dick because, after all "...he's known as Evil Dick, not Nice Dick!"

Rachel announces the first Big Brother 13 Have Not competition while wearing a colorful spotted cow costume. The house divides into teams and my favorite is Dick, Danielle, Jeff and Jordan. In the backyard, the contestants are in color coded cow outfits that must be made of a spongy material because they have to soak up flowing milk and have their team mates try to squeeze as much out of the costume as possible to fill six jars with milk. My team is in green and of course, they win!!!!

Dick imitates Rachel's sing song voice as he says "Let's go see the bedroom!" of which he means the Have Not one which is gross this year and only cold showers and slop for the week. Not only that, the walls are padded and the bright yellowish light isn't allowed to be turned off even at night! Shelly calls it a "looney bin" and I agree. Kalie comments that this isn't where a queen or princess sleeps, but adds that "a true queen or princess" knows how to make the best of things. I like that! :)

Rachel makes her nominations. It's Porsche and Keith. Keith tells the camera that it's bye bye for Porsche since he has The Regulators to back him up. BTW, Dominic's idea, which does seem quite brilliant to us at this point, is to form The Regulators with one member of each of the newbie pairs. So, The Regulators are: Dominic, Keith, Cassi and Lawon.

The show ends with the announcer saying to watch Wednesday's Big Brother 13 when "one houseguest unexpectedly leaves which threatens to change the game." OKAY, SPOILER COMING NEXT: (scroll down:)

I can't believe it, but it's Evil Dick Donato! Nooooooooo! I want to roar like heavy metal Adam!!! There is no reason given. I hope it's just a trick by Big Brother, but the announcer said "unexpectedly leaving" so....

                 Dick and Danielle Donato -- The best father and daughter game show team evah!

We've been robbed and cheated! I know there is still Jeff and Jordan, but we don't feel like watching the show anymore and will have to pout until Wednesday! Oh, I'll still be watching and recapping cuz maybe he'll be back......

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