Admit One Reality TV Recaps And Chat

Admit One Reality TV Recaps And Chat
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Big Brother 13 Recap -- Episode 3 And Episode 4

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Porsche is shocked to be nominated as she thought Dick choosing her to join the veterans meant that she was safe from being on the chopping block. Rachel and Brandon say they have a plan to make sure she gets the Golden Key, but Porsche replies that she doesn't want to have to throw the Veto Competition to get it. Danielle begins to question her dad's pick of Porsche...

Speak of the Devil -- Evil Dick Donato goes into the diary room, but doesn't return. The houseguests start looking everywhere for him in the house which I find kind of pathetic and hilarious at the same time. I mean where do they think they'll find him -- hiding in a closet? Danielle isn't too fazed at first as she tells everyone that Dick often did spent a lot of time in the Diary Room. But then, Rachel is called into the Diary Room and when she comes out she tells everyone the news that Dick has left the Big Brother house for "personal reasons." As compensation for losing her partner, Danielle will be given the Golden Key so that she cannot be voted out of the house until there are 10 houseguests left. 

It's hard to watch Danielle's reaction to her dad leaving. She seems to, understandably, feel many different emotions at once. She tells everyone that Big Brother is "everything to my dad." I feel so sorry for Danielle right now as she cries and reminds people that "this isn't part of the game, it's real life." Rachel and Brendan admit to each other later that the veterans aren't in good shape without Dick. Jeff feels that they can still win though as they know the game better than the newbies.

Shelly, Lawon and Dominic begin to doubt Keith's ability to do well in the game. He rubs Shelly the wrong way when he says he wants to put the moves on Danielle now that her dad is out of the house. Porsche overhears Dominic tell Keith he's on his side and Keith won't be going home. In the Diary Room, Porsche vows Keith *will* be going home!

 Adam announces the Veto Competition and Danielle is given the Golden Key because of Dick's departure from the game. Danielle says in the Diary Room that she didn't come here to just sit on the sidelines and now she will play a very social game to build relationships in the house. This sounds smart to me! Danielle begins with Porsche, her dad's first choice of a newbie to help the veterans, to urge her to throw the Veto Competition to get Keith out.

The Veto Competition has a superhero theme and each pair must complete a skyscraper puzzle with one team mate hanging in the air solving it, while the other searches for and gathers the puzzle pieces. At the end of it, when Porsche and Keith lose, not even Rachel and Brendan seem to be sure if it was thrown or not. In the end, Rachel doesn't use the Veto on either Porsche or Keith anyway.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

                                               I miss you already, Evil Dick!!!!

 In a video message to the houseguests, Dick first tells Danielle that everyone, i.e. family, is okay, but that he had to leave due to an "urgent personal emergency." He seems like the Dick we're used to and when he tells all of the houseguests he will "miss you all, or most of you..." Dominic cracks a smile which is cute. Danielle looks prettier and less worried and her darker hair color is starting to grow on me a bit more. I just want to see her win it all and make her pop proud. Before signing off, Dick tells everyone he'll be watching the game on TV and warns that he'd better see some good game play. LOL.

Soon it's time to vote the first houseguest out of the Big Brother house. I'm hoping Keith will go since he's getting even more annoying to me, while Porsche is getting on my nerves less. Dominic goes into the Diary Room first and he votes to evict Porsche. Brendan also picks Porsche and this shocks me as I thought that the veterans were supposed to have her back now. Jordan is next and votes to evict Keith and Jeff then follows with the same pick.

Cassi chooses Porsche as does Adam. Kalia and Danielle both vote to evict Keith and it's even with 4 votes each. Shelly is the tie-breaker and picks Keith, so it means he's gonna be the one sent packing. Keith had been so smug in thinking he would be staying that he is shocked. Still, he keeps a smile on his face right from hearing the news through his interview on set with Julie Chen.

 Porsche is given her Golden Key and this is working for Danielle's new "social game" strategy as now they both have one and are guaranteed to be in the BB house for 4 weeks. Plus of course, Danielle voted for Keith to leave, so that helps her a lot.

The Head of Household Competition is a golfing theme, but each houseguest who is playing -- everyone except Rachel, Danielle and Porsche -- only gets one putt to try and score the lowest number. Dominic and Kalia both score a 6 which is pretty good, but Jordan gets a 3 and wins. It seems obvious that the veterans putting after her got their golf ball into the lake on purpose to let Jordan be HOH. She is happy.

Big Brother 13 Recap -- Episode 2 -- SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

I have a SPOILER, but I'll place it at the bottom of the post as I just found out about it after I did the recap and if you don't want to read it, just don't scroll down to the end!

Episode 2 begins with the houseguests discussing the new four week twist and Brendan uses Rachel's old line of "Floaters, get a life vest!" Dick talks about picking all of the newbies off like they were sitting duck decoys in a shooting gallery. Dick again repeats to the cameras that he and Danielle haven't spoken for the last three years, but he said it shouldn't matter as last time they won after they didn't speak for two years. He adds: "If we could just play Big Brother all the time, we'd have a fine relationship!" (I heart Evil Dick!!!!)

Evil Dick is, not surprisingly, the ringleader as the veterans band together against the newbies. They speak of getting "numbers" by recruiting newbies from the other side, and to make a long story short, Dick suggests Porsche and Adam, to which the others don't really disagree. Meanwhile, Dominic, has what he calls a "brain child" of his own by banding together the newbies against the veterans. Thus, "The Regulators" are born!

                                       Keith and Porsche -- Double Double agents!?

Porsche tells Keith that the veterans recruited her. He tells the camera that was stupid of her to tell him.Rachel sing songs "Who wants to see my HOH room?" in her annoying voice. Dick says to the camera: "I don't care if it's Rachel. I don't are if it's Jesus Christ. I don't give a s***!" LOL  When the vets approach Adam he pretends to go along, but to the camera later he warns "Watch out, Dick!" Even though I'm a Dick Donato fan, I can't fault Adam's reasoning when he feels he can't trust Dick because, after all "...he's known as Evil Dick, not Nice Dick!"

Rachel announces the first Big Brother 13 Have Not competition while wearing a colorful spotted cow costume. The house divides into teams and my favorite is Dick, Danielle, Jeff and Jordan. In the backyard, the contestants are in color coded cow outfits that must be made of a spongy material because they have to soak up flowing milk and have their team mates try to squeeze as much out of the costume as possible to fill six jars with milk. My team is in green and of course, they win!!!!

Dick imitates Rachel's sing song voice as he says "Let's go see the bedroom!" of which he means the Have Not one which is gross this year and only cold showers and slop for the week. Not only that, the walls are padded and the bright yellowish light isn't allowed to be turned off even at night! Shelly calls it a "looney bin" and I agree. Kalie comments that this isn't where a queen or princess sleeps, but adds that "a true queen or princess" knows how to make the best of things. I like that! :)

Rachel makes her nominations. It's Porsche and Keith. Keith tells the camera that it's bye bye for Porsche since he has The Regulators to back him up. BTW, Dominic's idea, which does seem quite brilliant to us at this point, is to form The Regulators with one member of each of the newbie pairs. So, The Regulators are: Dominic, Keith, Cassi and Lawon.

The show ends with the announcer saying to watch Wednesday's Big Brother 13 when "one houseguest unexpectedly leaves which threatens to change the game." OKAY, SPOILER COMING NEXT: (scroll down:)

I can't believe it, but it's Evil Dick Donato! Nooooooooo! I want to roar like heavy metal Adam!!! There is no reason given. I hope it's just a trick by Big Brother, but the announcer said "unexpectedly leaving" so....

                 Dick and Danielle Donato -- The best father and daughter game show team evah!

We've been robbed and cheated! I know there is still Jeff and Jordan, but we don't feel like watching the show anymore and will have to pout until Wednesday! Oh, I'll still be watching and recapping cuz maybe he'll be back......

Big Brother 13 Recap -- The First Episode Rocks!

Whew! I wasn't sure about that group of contestants or if the Dynamic Duos theme would turn out to be Doubly Dull, but I should have known... this great show in its 13th season Didn't Disappoint!

And.... the best part? Dick and Danielle are back!!!! Yay!! I didn't mention them yesterday, and I still love, love Jeff and Jordan, but I (wrongly!) thought then that it was going to be romantic couples. But no, I'm so glad the father-daughter team of Dick and Danielle are back along with Jeff and Jordan!!!! Unfortunately, the third returning pair is Brendan and... ugh! Rachel (who are now engaged!)


Host Julie Chen, wearing a cute red dress, looks softer somehow this year... and happier with bigger smiles. She announces that the contestants don't know that they're going to have to work in pairs together against six returning houseguests from past seasons who will also be working in pairs.

The first four of the eight to enter the house and pick their beds are Porsche, Dominic, Lawon and Shelly. Lawon, who, with his receding hairline and curly hair, plus exuberant attitude, reminds of a black Richard Simmons, exclaims "I can't believe I'm here in the Big Brother house! I am just so happy!" After the remaining four, Keith, Kalie, Cassi and Adam enter the house, the houseguests gather in the living room and introduce themselves to the group.

As usual, some people hide some information and replace it with made up stuff. Keith apparently ditched his planned garbage man or whatever it was cover for his actual church deacon/HR manager careers in favor of saying he was a match maker? Porsche says her parents "thought it would be funny to name her after a car" and tells everyone she's a student rather than a VIP cocktail waitress. (If I never hear that so called career title again, I will be as happy as Lawon.) Cassi doesn't want to say she's a model, so she doesn't, but Dominic openly tells everyone he makes his money modeling while being a student.

Then, Julie tells them the twists. She adds that how they choose their partner is up to them.

Keith goes right for Porsche. He is wearing a giant blue daisy on his lapel and Porsche isn't too impressed. She had her sights set on Dominic, but pairs with Keith anyway. Lawon heads for Kalie who also isn't thrilled, but goes along. Cassi approaches Shelly cuz she thinks Shelly seems cool (so do I so far) and meanwhile, heavy metal, bearded bald guy and 90210 fan, Adam, chooses Dominic who tells the camera he was a little scared to say no!

                                     Top: left to right -- Dominic, Shelly, Adam, Keith
                                     Bottom: left to right -- Lawon, Cassi, Porsche, Kalie

Soon it's time to reveal the three returning Dynamic Duos. Ding-dong Doorbell #1Yay! The first couple is Jeff and Jordan. Ding-dong Doorbell #2 Boo! The second one is Brendan and Rachel. Ding-dong Doorbell #3 Super Yay! It's the father and daughter team of Dick and Danielle!! (Didn't recognize her at first with the dark rather than blond hair which seems to age her. Maybe she didn't want to look like Alice in Wonderland again?!)

Dick confides to the cameras that he and Danielle haven't spoken for three years. Well that didn't stop them before, I think. Brendan notes a similar thought to the camera, while Lawon is thrilled to see Jeff and Jordan who he calls "the sweetheart couple and Big Brother royalty." I LOL when Dominic says to the camera, "Oh it's Brachel -- the beast of a couple!" Brachel are now engaged as Brendan apparently proposed to Rachel in a hot air balloon above the beach.

Out in the backyard, there are giant bananas hanging from ropes. It's an endurance task in which both members of a duo have to stay grasped onto the banana to compete for the first BB13 Head of Household. After awhile, here comes the chocolate sauce! Keith says "gross." Shelly is the first to slip. Oh no! Not another Kathy, I think. But, then she reveals to the camera a 'meant to' strategy as she didn't want to look like a "huge threat" right off the bat. Later Big Brother adds whipped cream to the chocolate sauce.

The next ones to fall are Jordan, Keith, Cassi and Lawon. Soon Jeff, Dominic, Adam, Porsche and Kalie are out of the competition also, leaving only Dick and Danielle on one banana and Rachel on another. Dick and Danielle, the super-competitors that they are, look unfettered like they could be there all day if they had to be. Rachel, who always seems like she's had 10 cups of coffee, chirps to them it's okay to fall -- she's got their back if they do. Dick drops. Danielle stays on a bit longer, wondering whether she can really trust Rachel. (I say noooooo... but then know that the Dynamic Duo of Dick and Danielle would *SO* get her back!!!) Danielle drops and Rachel is announced the winner. Brendan says he loves her and wishes he could marry her right now. (Yeah because *that's* what a marriage should be based on, right? Barf!)

                                               Please Dick and Danielle: Destroy Rachel!

After Rachel's HOH win, Adam roars in heavy metal splendor, "Noooooooo!!!!" like it was echoing off of a mountaintop and I love him for it. It seems like no one knows who Rachel will put up for eviction, especially with another new Big Brother twist this season: Those who survive the chopping block for the first four weeks are guaranteed a spot in the top ten!

I can't wait until Sunday to see who the nominees are!


Big Brother 13 Houseguests

Wednesday July 6, 2011

There are 8 confirmed Big Brother 13 Houseguests. 26 year old Jason Thomas, a boxing promoter, was taken out of the line up by producer Alison Grodner after his initial casting without much explanation for the change other than that it was a "creative decision." Grodner had added "he's a good kid -- who knows, maybe you'll see him next year."

At Admit One, we can't help but wonder if the last minute axe on Thomas has something to do with BB13's theme of  "Dynamic Duos" in which 3 couples (still a big surprise who they'll be!) from former Big Brother seasons will return to the house. After  all, in that case, Thomas would be the odd man out literally since 8 plus 6 is 14 and he would be #15.

Here are the 8 confirmed BB13 Houseguests:

Top: Left to Right:

Shelly is married with an 8 year old daughter. She works in the sporting goods industry and travels a lot for her job. At 41, she's the oldest houseguest this season.

Porsche is a self-described "VIP cocktail waitress" at Miami's Mynt Lounge who brags that she once got a tip of 10K. (We won't ask what she had to do for that!) Porsche says she's not above a 'showmance' (oh what a shocker!) and her best strength is being able to get along with all types of people.

Lawon, is a legal file clerk  who hopes to be the male version of Mary Hart, the entertainment reporter, one day. He claims to have both beauty and brains.

Keith is a deacon in the Baptist Church. He's also a HR manager who plans on telling his Big Brother housemates that he's a garbage man. He figures that people will think that a human resources manager will be too good at figuring out others. Keith stresses that in BB he'll be "playing a character" and adds that his biggest dream is to be on soap operas.

Bottom: Left to Right:

Kalie is a writer and part-time bartender who moved to California from Philadelphia.  Her motto for BB13 is "Lie to everybody, trust nobody" although she says she's going to try to be "as truthful as possible."

Dominic is a college student and catalog model of Filipino-Italian decent. We here at Admit One wonder if he'll be one of the first to leave the Big Brother house if what he says is true. Dominic says it's next to impossible for him to keep a secret!

Cassi, a cosmetics and fashion model who is originally from Texas, was picked by Tyra Banks for the very first season of America's Next Top Model, but turned it down with no regrets. The reason? Cassi says she would have had to give up her modeling agents and didn't want to "burn any bridges."

Adam is a music inventory manager (whatever that is) as well as a self-professed "teddy bear" of a guy. He describes his music interests as diverse and including both Broadway musicals and heavy metal. His other 'likes' include celebrity gossip, the TV show BH90210, and appletinis. His biggest BB13 strength? Being a good listener he says.

Well, there we go! What do you think of these 8 contestants?

Who do you hope comes back from past BB seasons? (My vote: Jeff and Jordan)

I'll be watching Big Brother 13's season premier tomorrow night and will recap here -- so stay tuned! (The subscribe link is faded on this black background, but it's right below the comments box. :)
See you tomorrow!!

Vicki :)

Welcome To Admit One!

 Wednesday July 6, 2011

This is a fresh, shiny new blog all about reality TV and I hope you'll participate! We're always open to any shows you'd like covered as well as any questions or comments!

Let's start with a question for YOU
What are your favorite reality TV shows and why?

Please comment below so we can get this blog...started!!!

Thanks -- Looking forward to your comment, and we're starting coverage of Big Brother 13 tomorrow, so please come back then too! (You may want to hit the "follow" up top on the left.) If you subscribe now -- by clicking on the "subscribe by email" at the bottom of the comment box -- you'll get detailed Big Brother recaps emailed to you!
Vicki! :)